Dec 10, 2018
Apologies for the apparently low volume and low tone of voice - I think someone might have been tired.
This episode discusses ongoing PCB failures, oscilloscope overdrive recovery, a BT-enabled headphone that would just keep connecting, some local events (GLOW, Awesome Space repair day, and the HCC Retro quarterly meeting). Finally, an experiment gone out of control resulted in a small PCB for generating colour effects for 4 connected VGA monitors. Ruby is used as "effect description language".
If interested, here's basically how one would define one out of many possible colour-effects for the VGA generator board, executed in parallel:
("Compiling" all effects on a timeline will result in a list of (R,G,B) tuples for each 60 Hz frame for each of the 4 monitors connected to the PCB.)
VGA generator board rendering:
Actual assembled PCB: